License & Dependencies

RobWork is distributed under the “Apache License, Version 2.0”.

For convenience, a number of open-source libraries are distributed together with RobWork; the RobWork license does not apply to these libraries.

Apache License, Version 2.0

Copyright 2009-2019 SDU Robotics, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, Faculty of Engineering, University of Southern Denmark

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



Assimp is a library used for import of 3D models. It provides a common interface for different formats. RobWork will currently use it to load .obj files or COLLADA (.dae) files, but might be used for more in the future.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/assimp

Copyright: 2006-2015 by the Assimp team.

Assimp License (BSD 3-clause)



Boost is the most important library used by RobWork.

Boost Software License


csgjs-cpp is a library used for Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG). The library is used in RobWork for synthesis of fingers.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/csgjs

csgjs-cpp is a C++ port of the original csgjs project <> .

Copyright: 2011-2017 by

csgjs-cpp License (MIT)

Eigen 3


Eigen is distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/eigen3

Copyright: Eigen

Eigen License (MPL2)


Parts of Eigen is licensed under BSD or LGPL licenses. RobWork do not use these parts.


Flexible Collision Library (FCL) is a library used for proximity queries on geometric triangle models.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/fcl/fcl


FCL License (BSD 3-clause)


libccd is a library used for collision detection between two convex shapes. In RobWork it is only used by FCL.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/fcl/libccd

Copyright: 2010-2012 by

libccd License (BSD 3-clause)



LUA is a scripting language. No recompilation is needed after editing a LUA script, making it easier for users to quickly write and test code.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/lua

Copyright: 1994-2007 by

LUA License (MIT)



Qhull is used by RobWork to do convex hull calculations and Delaunay triangulations.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/qhull

Copyright: 1993-2019 by

QHull License


Proximity Query Package (PQP) is a library used for proximity queries between geometric triangle models. It can be used to detect collisions (overlap), distances and tolerance queries.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/rwpqpq

Copyright: 1999 by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

PQP License (non-commercial!)


PQP is only for non-commercial use only!

If this is a problem, consider using the FCL based proximity implementations in RobWork instead.


Yet Another OBB-Tree Implementation (Yaobi) is a library used for collision detection for triangle meshes.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/rwyaobi

Copyright: 2006 by Morten Strandberg

Yaobi License (MIT)

MiniZip (unzip)

MiniZip is a library used for compression and uncompression of zip files. In RobWork it is used as a dependency for Assimp, but might be used for other things in the future.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/unzip

Copyright by

MiniZip license (Zlib)



Zlib is a library used for compression and decompression. In RobWork it is used only as a dependency of Assimp (and the unzip library), but might be used for other purposes in the future.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWork/ext/zlib

Copyright: 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler

Zlib license (Zlib)


QtPropertyBrowser is a component used in RobWorkStudio.

Distributed with RobWork under: RobWorkStudio/ext/qtpropertybrowser

Copyright by

  • 2013 Digia Plc

QtPropertyBrowser license (BSD-3-clause)